13 April 2012

Performance appraisal

      By putting ourselves in the shoes of lead we will understand how difficult it is to give rating or appraisal at the end of the year. They have to consider many facts and satisfy everyone (its really impossible). At the same time the role of  lead ..he should be responsible to identify who is the buttering  and who is the working-hard .

       But too bad thing is giving worst rating to hard-working people . Giving good rating to buttering people. It derails team morals and performance , if it continues finally the team loose the spirit to work , Since the latter seems to be more productive. Whole team members opt for later one finally no people left to work in the team . 

What lead will say..... about bad rating ::  ( Just for fun and reality)

  1. You will get a good rating next time.
  2. As a fresher it wont effect you much.
  3. You have been given better rating last time, so give chance to others.
  4. You recently came from onsite .
  5. We will send you to onsite soon.. so your rating doesn't matter.
  6. Sorry i am not really aware of work you done.
  7. You are taking release its unwritten rule. 
  8. You haven’t done any certifications this half yearly, Next time try to improve.                                              (Our hero would have worked 12 hours shifts everyday for no good)
  9. You haven’t contributed anything to the Center level activities (like dancing or singing !!)
  10. We thought of giving you even lower rating, but I argued with top management for this rating for you.
  11. You haven’t contributed to Knowledgeable, PIPs blah blah blah
  12. Your rating got reduced in curve fitting which is out of my hand. (As if curve is some indeterminate shape and values in curve are random)
  13. I made a mistake while giving the values as I was doing it in late night. Please don’t make it as an issue I will compensate next time.
  14. Our project doesn't have money.
  15. you have to be more proactive. (you should take work yourself)
  16. You have to improve technical aptitude. 
:: your valuable feedback/comments are always welcome::


Anonymous said...

You have to improve and involve in all aspects in project..not contain to your role only...Request you not to get demotivated...your performance is good but it is management decision..

Srinivas said...

In my case 10th is the option..
But Ofcource many politics comes into picture while rating the associates..But we have to be true to our work and be good with all..

Srinivas said...

In my case 10th one is the option..
But of-course many politics comes into picture.. Besides all these non-sense getting deserved rating is really fortune...